Use our Hurricane Checklist to make sure you’re prepared for sever weather.
Create a Plan
□ Save emergency phone numbers in your cell phone and write them down, as well.
□ Identify the nearest emergency shelter and several evacuation routes.
□ If you have pets, locate shelters, pet-friendly hotels and friends or relatives who live out of town where your pets will be welcome if you need to evacuate.
□ Share your hurricane plan with friends and family.
Collect Emergency Supplies
□ Gather enough food for adults, children, babies and pets for a minimum of 5-7 days. Food should have a long storage life and require little to no cooking, water or refrigeration.
□ Buy water or fill sanitized containers with drinking water. Store 1 gallon of water per person per day for 5-7 days.
□ Have medications on hand. Fill prescriptions in advance and stock up on over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies.
□ Locate important documents like medical paperwork, IDs, passports, wills, etc.
□ Place flashlights and candles in multiple places around your home for easy access. Make sure you have batteries and lighters/matches.
□ Know where your fire extinguisher is located.
Prepare Your Car
□ Fill up with gas in case of evacuation. Fill portable gas tanks or cans to take with you.
□ Move vehicles into your garage or under as much cover as possible.
□ Keep an emergency kit in your car.
Prepare your Home
□ Call Big Fish Roofs for a roof inspection to identify and repair any problems BEFORE the storm. Click HERE for more information.
□ Store Big Fish Roof’s phone number in your cell phone (251-677-8737) in case you have storm damage and need tarps after the storm.
□ Put away everything in your yard that could blow around and cause damage to your home or vehicles.
□ Cover windows with storm shutters or plywood to prevent shattering glass.
□ Make sure your carbon monoxide detector has batteries to prevent CO poisoning.
□ Charge cell phones. Charge laptops and battery packs that can be used to charge cell phones.
□ Buy charcoal or refill propane tanks for cooking on a grill.
We hope this Hurricane Checklist is beneficial to you and your family!